Two years after the program's launch on July 1, 2020, the Single Bank Pooled Collateral program (SBPC) continues to add bank participants and public depositors. The 20 banks participating in the program represent 286 public depositors with $1.7 billion in deposits. The market value of the pledged instruments is $1.9 billion. Participating banks enjoy the efficiency gained through their involvement with the SBPC Program rather than utilizing the traditional method of pledging collateral. “The program is easy to use and understand. The program administrator is quick with responses to both questions as well as collateral changes. Utilizing the program has allowed us to pledge less bonds as we only have one account with excess pledging to (the pool) as compared to excess pledging to each individual public depositor. This allows us to have a stronger liquidity position.” Jami Schmidt, CFO Henderson State Bank (Henderson) “We are very happy to be a part of the Single Bank Pooled Collateral program. It has provided an opportunity to make better use of our available pledging sources to cover the group of entities. The entities have also benefited by reduced administrative time, not having to sign off on releases or worry about making sure fluctuations are covered. Both the Bank and entities value the additional monitoring and centralized reporting.” Aleyse Schroder, Finance Officer NebraskaLand Bank (North Platte) “Once you see how this works with the oversight of two entities it is a very simple decision that every school district in Nebraska should be involved in this program. It gives you the peace of mind to know that your public funds are always secure.” Chester “Chip” Kay, Director of Business Operations Columbus Public Schools Hear more perspectives on the program in this video. Learn MoreTo learn how your bank can experience the benefits of the SBPC Program, visit the SBPC website or contact NBISCO Program Administrator Misty (Stoner) Rushing, at [email protected] or 402-904-7060.
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September 2024
Nebraska Bankers Association
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