109th Legislature, 1st Session Committee Hearings CommenceSenators concluded the week with committee hearings on Friday afternoon, marking day 12 of the 90-day session. Bill introduction concluded on Wednesday, January 22, for a total of 715 legislative bills and 18 Constitutional Amendments introduced. This year marks the first year for the newly imposed 20-bill limit for each Senator. For reference, there were 812 bills introduced in 2023 during the first year of the 108th Legislature and 684 bills introduced in 2021 during the first year of the 107th Legislature. The Legislature debated adoption of the permanent rules beginning on Wednesday and continued during the morning sessions for the week. Committee Hearing ActivityCommittee hearings began on Wednesday and continued the rest of the week. LB 85, introduced by Senator Wendy DeBoer (Bennington) on behalf of the NBA, was heard before the Judiciary Committee. NBA Associate General Counsel Jerry Stilmock testified in support of the bill. LB 85 - Amend Small Estate Affidavit Law Introduced by Senator DeBoer, LB 85 would allow use of an abstract of death provided by the Department of Health and Human Services as an alternative to a certified death certificate for small estate affidavits in the event of a delay in production of a certified death certificate. Stilmock also testified before the Revenue Committe in support of LB 182 on Friday. LB 182 was introduced by Senator Eliot Bostar (Lincoln) and would expand the Child Care Tax Credit, enacted in 2023, to include financial institutions and insurance companies. Next week, the Legislature will take up LB 250, introduced by Senator Mike Jacobson (North Platte) on behalf of the NBA. LB 250 updates the residency requirements for state-chartered banks to allow banks to make reasonable efforts to have a majority of the bank directors to have their residences in the State of Nebraska, within 25 miles of the main office of the bank, in the county in which the bank office of such bank is located, or in a county where branches of a the bank are located. This change allows state-chartered banks operating in multiple states to have adequate representation on its board of directors from each state. The Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee will also take up LB 231, introduced by Senator Bob Hallstrom (Syracuse), which adopts the Uniform Special Purpose Deposits Act, and LB 251, introduced by Senator Jacobson, the Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance Omnibus Bill. Dates of Importance
2025 State Government Relations ForumYou are encouraged to sign up for the annual NBA State Government Relations Forum on January 30 at the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel in Lincoln. Headlining the program will be presentations by Governor Pillen, a panel of state senators, NBA General Counsel Ryan McIntosh and NBA Associate General Counsel Jerry Stilmock. Nebraska Department of Banking Director Kelly Lammers will discuss Department initiatives. The State Government Relations Forum presents an opportunity to meet personally with your state senator during lunch to discuss issues of importance to the banking industry, your institution and your community. We look forward to seeing you on January 30! Register Comments are closed.
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